Intensified Flow Separator Infrastructure and Expertise Network

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INSPIRE @ 16th Meeting of the European Society of Sonochemistry

The INSPIRE project will present a poster about Intensified flow separator infrastructure and expertise for the materials industry at the 16th meeting of the European Society of Sonochemistry in “Besançon”, France from Sunday 15th to Thursday 19th April...

ETN COSMIC releases first video

In the last decades, Europe has lost its top position in the Chemical industrial market to China. One of the most important factors in this process is the lag in innovation. The COSMIC project (European Training Network for Continuous Sonication and Microwave...

Do you want access to process intensification infrastructure & expertise for the separation of high-value metals?

Process Intensification can result in drastic improvements in reaction yield, rate or selectivity by optimizing the driving forces of the process. The INSPIRE network offers access to a wide variety of Process Intensification equipment and expertise. We bring you in contact with the right partners within 1 week.






Process Intensification

The idea behind Process Intensification (PI) is the development of reactors which allow full exploitation of the intrinsic chemical process kinetics. The effectiveness of the PI strategy depends upon identifying technologies which dramatically accelerate the transfer of heat, mass or momentum within processes or operations. In order to achieve this, high fluid dynamic intensities may be used to minimize the concentration, temperature and velocity differentials in transferring mass, heat and momentum. As a result, higher conversions and selectivity are achieved and hence the production of side-products is minimized. Furthermore, high quality products can be obtained which avoid extensive downstream purification sequences and have therefore clear economic and environmental benefits.

Advantages for academic institutes & universities

  • Get easy access to a virtual lab with wide range of process intensification equipment
  • Save time and maintenance and personnel costs
  • Find partners with the right expertise for you project
  • Cut time in building consortia by finding the right partners in an easy and fast way
  • Get in contact with industrial process intensification users & suppliers

Advantages for industry


  • Get easy & fast access to a virtual lab with a wide range of process intensification equipment
  • Cut time in finding the right academic partners with the right expertise
  • Save time and maintenance and personnel costs
  • Attract new consortium or project partners

INSPIRE project is coordinated and managed by KU Leuven

INSPIRE is a member of the ZeroWaste Cluster

ZeroWaste cluster is a network of several networks of infrastructure working on the topic of waste recovery & valorisation. This cluster contains infrastructure on separation, pre-treatment, metal extraction & recovery matrix valorisation and expertise in sustainability assessment read more…


A partnership which brings together a broad range of unique infrastructure and equipment.

Reach Us

KU Leuven
Department of Chemical Engineering
Process Engineering for Sustainable Systems (ProcESS)

Celestijnenlaan 200F, PO box 2424
B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven), Belgium

+32 16 32 06 86

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